This article is for Salesken customers who -
1. Do not directly use the Salesken dialer.
2. Have an existing dialer/telephony provider that is integrated with Salesken
The Salesken Web Phone Extension allows easy integration of the dialer, which is at the core of all sales conversations.
You need to install two components -
The Chrome Extension add-on - The chrome extension add-on is used to detect and notify Salesken apps whenever a call is initiated or ended from your corporate telephony provider. The Salesken chrome extension add-on also embeds real-time cue capabilities into your chrome browser, making it accessible from any web page at any point in time.
The Web Client Extender - The web client extender software is a thin client application required to record the audio stream from your existing corporate Dialer/Telephony provider. It is the first step towards analyzing and creating an intelligent and adaptive sales conversation.
Once these two components are installed, you may just keep using your existing dialer.
The web client ensures that the calls reach the Salesken platform for analysis. The chrome add-on enables you to view the real-time cues that are prompted by the Salesken server, even as you continue browsing through other tabs.