Configuration → Product
To add a signal to a product, you simply have to go through the product creation wizard.
To edit signals associated with a product,
1. Click on the three dots beside the name in the Product card and choose the ‘Edit’ option.
Tip - To view details of the configured signals of each product, click on the i icon next to ‘Signals’ in the product card.
2. Click on the ‘CONTINUE' button at the bottom right corner.
3. To add a new product signal, click on ‘Add New' at the bottom of the 'Product Signals’ list.
4. To modify trackers, click on the edit icon next to the tracker for a particular signal. Specify the change and click on the ‘UPDATE’ button for the changes to be reflected.
5. If you want to delete the tracker, click on the trashcan delete icon for that tracker.
6. Click on ‘SAVE & EXIT’ at the bottom right corner of the page.
You have now modified the signals attached to a product.
All products in the system can be viewed on the Products page.