You can change your Salesken password at any point in time. All you have to do is - 

1. Make sure that you are logged in.

2. Click on your name in the upper right corner of the top bar.

3. Click on ‘My Account'.

In the ‘My Account’ page, enter your current password, the new password in both the ‘New Password' and ‘Confirm Password’ text boxes (you can never be too safe!). 

Now, click on the ‘CONFIRM’ button. Please note that your password must at least be eight characters long.

Tip -

The password must be of minimum 8 characters consisting of atleast a lower-case and an upper-case alphabet, symbols and numbers.

Look out for the ‘The password’s changed successfully' message on the top left corner of the Security window. 

You’ve now successfully changed your Salesken account password.